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Exilis Elite

Turkey Neck?  Muffin Top?  No problem!

Transform and Redefine Your Face and Body with this new Non-Invasive, Fat-Melting and Skin Tightening Innovation.

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After 4 Tx source: btlaesthetics.com

Surgical procedures like liposuction and facelifts are effective ways to achieve fat reduction and facial rejuvenation. But most people don’t want to “go under the knife.” Now there is a way to achieve fat reduction, skin tightening, wrinkle reduction and body contouring completely non-invasively without the need for surgery.  See more before and after results with Exilis Elite treatments

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Dr. Radin is thrilled to bring an exciting new treatment to the Windsor area. He is the first Dermatologist in Southwestern Ontario to offer the new Exilis Elite to his patients. “I have been looking for something like this for years and I have finally found it!” Dr. Radin says.

While not a replacement for a neck-lift, facelift or liposuction, Exilis Elite provides an alternative for those not seeking a surgical solution. Exilis Elite can also be used effectively as a supplemental treatment after surgery.

Exilis before and after chin

What is Exilis Elite?

exilis elite Dr Radin Wndsor

 It is a device that uses monopolar radio frequency (RF) energy for body contouring and skin tightening. It is a non-surgical procedure that reduces fat and firms the skin on the face and body. The NewBeauty Beauty Choice Awards has just recognized Exilis Elite as The Best Skin Tightener for 2013.

 How does it work?

During a treatment, precisely controlled radio frequency energy is used to heat the deeper layers of the skin. This heat prompts fat cells to shrink and contracts the skin tissue, stimulating new collagen production in the process.

Exilis Elite non surgical alternative by Dr. Radin

It causes disruption and destruction of the fat cells. The cells empty their contents, which are then eliminated by the body’s natural lymphatic system over a short period of time. The beneficial result is desired fat reduction in the treated area.

Exilis Elite makes the most of collagen refill technology to provide precisely controlled heating of collagen fibres in the skin to stimulate collagen contraction, new collagen and elastin formation and plumping of collagen fibres. This sets off a rejuvenating chain reaction that can achieve skin tightening, wrinkle reduction and anti-aging effects.

 Who is a candidate for treatment?

Any patient who desires cosmetic improvement, especially in typical areas that show signs of aging or unhealthy lifestyle choices. A good candidate is also someone who has not responded well to other treatment options. Or who wants cosmetic improvement without undergoing surgery.

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What does an Exilis Elite treatment feel like? Is it safe?

The treatment, performed in the Radin Skin Centre, is both painless and safe. No sedation or anesthesia is required. The treatment delivers soothing heat as the applicator is guided over the treatment area. Patients comment that Exilis Elite feels like a hot stone massage.

non surgical skin tightening in Windsor

The advanced patented technology of this device sets it apart from other devices, allowing the delivery of high energy safely and effectively without compromising patient comfort or safety. Fewer treatments are generally required, compared to some other devices. Almost any area of the body can be treated. Affordability and high levels of patient satisfaction with consistent results also make Exilis Elite an outstanding treatment.

 How long is a treatment? Is there any downtime or recovery needed?

 A treatment is usually 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the area treated. Generally, a series of four to six treatments are required to achieve the desired result. The exact number is determined by the patient’s existing cosmetic concerns and the goals he or she wants to achieve.

There is no downtime with this procedure. There may be temporary pinkness or redness in the skin, quickly subsiding in about 30 minutes. Since there is no downtime or special care required after the patient leaves the office, he or she can carry on with the rest of the day’s activities, including going back to work and exercising. There is no need to take time off.

Patients are encouraged to stay well hydrated with water right before and after each treatment and to practice light to moderate exercise following the treatment to achieve the best results.

 What kind of results can I expect with Exilis Elite?

Exilis before and after front

You may start to see some degree of body contouring and skin tightening results after just one or two treatments. However, in most cases, optimal results are evident after the treatment series is completed. Treatments will be done every week or two, until finished.

Exilis Elite explained by Dr. Radin

 Fat Reduction

Common areas for fat reduction include the abdomen, flanks, love handles and thighs. Other areas are also targeted, including arms, back and bra fat, knees and male breast fat (gynecomastia).

The treatment can be tailored if an area also requires skin tightening.

Exilis Elite has many positive attributes which convinced Dr. Radin this technology is the best for his patients. There is no down time, no activity restrictions, no post-surgical garments and it can be used on patients of all ages and skin color.

 Skin Tightening

Common areas for skin tightening include the upper and lower eyelids, the mid face and jawline, neck and arms. Patients will see improvements typically beginning at three months. Skin tightening can also be performed on almost any other area of the body such as the lower abdomen, thighs, neck/chest, hands and more.

 Can I achieve the same results with Exilis Elite as with surgery?

before and after Exilis Elite

Exilis Elite is not a replacement for weight loss and results will not be as dramatic as with liposuction or a facelift. It is best used for smaller areas of localized fat that have not responded well to diet or exercise and for areas where non-surgical skin tightening is wanted.

 How long do results last?

Exilis Elite is a relatively new device, yet current studies show that men and women who have had treatment more than two years ago have maintained their results. Usually, once fat cells have been destroyed, they do not come back. In order to retain the Exilis Elite benefits, the patient must maintain a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and exercise. Maintenance treatments can also be done as needed.

Unfortunately, nothing stops the aging process, but we can do our best to slow it down!

 How do I know if Exilis Elite is right for me?

You may schedule a consultation with Dr. Radin and his staff to determine if Exilis Elite may help you achieve your goals.

Exilis Elite can be used on its own or to enhance and complement other treatments. It may also be used in conjunction with other Radin Skin Centre in-office treatments, such as Botox/Dysport, cosmetic fillers and advanced laser and skin care.

 What else can Radin Skin Centre do for me?

 If you are interested in hair removal, the Radin Skin Centre has the most advanced effective hair removal system on the market. Dr. Radin says, “People who have had laser done with our machine have stated it is just amazing.”

 If you are interested in exploring the possibilities of skin rejuvenation with a true master in his field, schedule your consultation with Dr. Radin and his staff by contacting Radin Skin Centre today at 519-979-GLOW (4569).

Radin Skin Centre
13278 Tecumseh Road East
(Dermatology - Suite 103A)
(Laser-Cosmetics - Suite 103B)
Tecumseh, ON N8N 3T6, Canada

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